Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Grass is Now Greener...

I usually wince at spending money for things around the house, and that's why I used my old, beat up lawnmower until it basically had to be tied together in two places not to fall apart. But last Spring I decided that enough was enough, and that I was sick of wondering when it was going to cut its last lawn. I did some research, and eventually traded my sputtering, smelly, loud gas-powered mower in for a cordless, 24v battery-powered beauty by Black & Decker. 

I love the thing! It’s quieter than a gas mower, doesn’t smell, and starts and stops instantly with the flick of the handle. Best of all, I never have to check gas or oil levels --- I just plug it into a wall outlet to charge. It set me back $400, but it pays for itself in long-term maintenance ease and the sheer joy of making my life more pleasant while I'm “doing the right thing.” I highly recommend it. (Hint: now’s a good time to start shopping for deals on one for next year, too.)

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